WooStories Settings

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WooStories Settings


The Settings screen allows you to change a number of things that govern how WooStories operates.  The settings screens divided into three sections.

 Simulator Screen Shot Apr 30, 2016, 10.57.20 AM


Allow photo & video editing.  When selected, this option lets you crop a photo or movie that you take prior to adding it to the wedding.

Maximum thumbnail size. This sets the target size of a thumbnail image created by WooStories.  Larger images take longer to upload, but have more detail.

User Information

Email.  Shows the mail address of the current user.  If you want to use a different email address, see the "Reset WooStories" option. 

Change your password. If selected, the app will prompt you to change your password when you exit the settings screen.

Reset WooStories to the beginning. If selected, WooStories will clear the user and reset the app to the initial screens.


Delete local cache on startup. WooStories saves a small amount of information on your device in order to give you a faster operation.  Selecting this option throws all that away the next time that the app is started.  

Show organizer functions. Selecting this option enables the wedding organizer functions (creating and editing wedding definitions).  Even with this option selected, you can not edit or delete an existing wedding that you did not create.

Should refresh from home screen.  Under certain circumstances, this option causes WooStories to refresh the wedding information from the home screen.

Show introduction. If selected, WooStories will place an item on the home screen that contains some useful information about this version of the app (new features etc.).

Start location services at startup.  WooStories uses your location in order to mark the photos, movies, voice and text notes that you create.  Deselecting this option disables this feature.

Time display settings.  Selects the time units that WooStories uses.

For more information, got to http://n.woostories.com/wordpress/support


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